Chittagong University (CU) honors 1st year admission test A unit result has been published on 08 March 2024. The B1 and D1 unit result published on 05 March 2024. The D, B and C unit result on processing and will be announced very soon. The honours 1st year admission test has been started from 02 March and it will be ended on 16 March 2024.
Rajshahi University (RU) honours first year admission test has been started from 05 March, the exam will be taken on 05, 06 and 07 March 2024. The students and guardians who will come previous day from long distance they can stay at the university campus. Applicants can download admit card with in 19 to 22 February 2024.
Dhaka University (DU) honours first year admission test for "Fine Arts (Cha)" unit will be held on 01 March 2024. Admit card has been issued to download and the seat plan is available just before 72 hours of each exam. The admission tests are taken respectively "Science (Ka)" unit on 01 March, "Arts, Law & Social Science (Kha)" unit on 23 February, "Business studies (Ga)" unit on 24 February, "Science (Ka)" unit on 01 March and "Fine arts (Cha)" unit on 09 March 2024.
Chittagong University CU honours admission test schedule has been published and you can get it here. The admission test has been begun from 02 March according to the schedule and it will be ended on 16 March 2024. Admit card is available to downloaded from 16 February 2024.
Jahangirnagar University 1st year honors admission test result 2023-24 for "B, E & IBA" unit has been published on 01 March 2024. The "D" unit result already published on 28 February, "C" unit result on 27 February, "C1" unit result on 26 February and "A" unit result on 23 February 2024". Generally JU result published with in two days of ending exam. JU admission test will be ended on 29 February. You can get the result from here.
SSC and Dakhil vocational exam of Bangladesh Technical Education Board has been begun from 15 February 2024. The routine can be collect from here. BTEB Vocational exam will be ended on 12 March 2024.
Civil surgeon office of Dhaka, Satkhira, Pabna and Bhola district are going to recruit three hundred more employees under the revenue section of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Only the permanent resident of these district are eligible to submit online application.
Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock has been published a circular to recruit following posts. The vacant posts are Steno-typist cum Computer Operator, Computer, Office Assistant and cash register. Applicant’s educational qualification should have Graduation degree or SSC or HSC equivalent exam completed.
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, the first ever Shari'ah based bank in South East Asia has invited online application from eligable candidates for the post of Trainee Assistant Officer (General and Cash). Applicants must have minimum educational qualification graduation degree from any recognized university.
Jahangirnagar University JU honours 1st year admission test has been started from 22 February 2024, details routine available here. The admission test seat plan is available here and admit card download has been begun from 17 February 2024. The online application process was ended on 31 January 2024.
Customs Bond Commissionerate, Chittagong has called application for the posts of Car driver and Sepoy. The application will be taken in online and the last date of application submit is 03 April 2024.
Public Universities GST (general, science and technology university) cluster admission test application has been started from 12 February and the last date changed to 27 February 2024. The admission committee has declared the exam schedule. The admission test will be taken in 27 April, 03 and 10 May 2024.
Admission test schedule for session 2023-2024 of all government or public university in Bangladesh will be available here. You would get here admission circular, application starting and dead line, admission test routine, application process and instruction's link, admission related update notice and many more.
National University (NU) Bangladesh is the largest University in Bangladesh. NU published the honors first-year (1st) admission notice for the session 2023-2024 on 14 January 2024. The online application has been started on 22 January and will be ended on 28 February 2024 then the admission result will be published according to the merit list in the last part of March 2024.
Prime Minister's Education Assistance Trust has published class six to class ten admission financial assistance circular. PMEDU Trust is called application from secondary schools' students. The eligible students will get 5,000 taka education assistance.
Pubali Bank Limited, Human Resources Division are inviting application from Bangladeshi citizens who are willing to build a career as a Deputy Junior Officer (Cash).
Customs, Excise & VAT Commissionerate, Dhaka and Khulna has called application for the various job position under salary scale 11-20 grade. Candidates who have mentioned qualification they can apply to join.
Tax Commissioner Office, Mymensingh has called application to appoint skillful employee on permanent basis for the vacant posts. Only permanent residents of mention district of the tax zone will be able to apply for the following posts.
National University Bangladesh has published degree 3rd year exam result on 22 February 2024. The 3rd year written exam was held in 20 September to 22 November 2023. Degree pass and certificate course 1st year exam is going on, the 2nd year exam was ended on 30 August and the result already published on 27 November 2023.
Bangladesh army published a recruitment circular to join candidates as as officer as 83th DSSC (AMC) and 69th DSSC (ADC) course. Application's last date 24 February 2024. Male and female both candidates can apply for this army officer post.
Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority BEZA is going to recruit officers in four categories. The eligible and interested candidates can apply to join as Assistant engineer, Accounts officer, Law officer and Deputy assistant engineer.
21th February is a glorious historical day of Bangladesh. This day is celebrated as 'International Mother Language Day' in the world wide. This day was celebrated as a "National Mourning Day (Shaheed Day)" in Bangladesh Up to 1999.
Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism (MOCAT) has been invited application for the posts of Steno-typist cum Computer Operator, Computer Operator. Online application ongoing.
Bangladesh Institute of Research and Training on Applied Nutrition (BIRTAN) has been published a job circular for various vacant posts. Only Bangladeshi candidates can apply for following posts only online.
Payoneer is a financial services company that provides online money transfer and digital payment services. It offers individuals and businesses a convenient way to send and receive payments globally as a freelancer. Payoneer provides services such as cross-border payments, online billing, global money transfers, and prepaid Mastercard solutions. Especially it is very useful to receive money for freelancers worldwide.
Bangladesh is enriched with its long history, arts and culture. The country is known as land of river and here common people formed a enriched heritage in different regions.
Dhaka is a busy city which is the capital of Bangladesh with its magnificent heritage, glorious culture and dazzling sceneries marks its four hundred years as capital city in 2008. Dhaka with the blend of traditional and modern architectural development possesses a plethora of splendours. It is founded in 1608 as the seat of Mughal Vicroys of Bengal.
Christmas is the big festival of Christian religious. This is the 25th day of December. Every year December 25th Christmas day celebrates all over the worlds to the Christian religious. In the day Christian people greets each other saying "merry Christmas".
Chittagong, is a commercial capital of Bangladesh has a busy international sea port and airport. it has green hills, spacious sandy beach and elegant cool climate always attract the holiday- makers described by the Chinese traveler and poet, Huen Tsang.
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