Dhaka University DU honours admission test Arts Law and Social Science (Kha) unit, Business studies (Ga) unit and Science (KA) unit result has been published on 28 March 2024, avarage pass rate 11%. The Arts, Law and Social Science unit, Business Studies unit, Science unit and Fine Arts unit admission test gradually held on 23 February, 24 February, 01 March and 09 March 2024.
Rajshahi University RU has publish A and B unit result on 13 March 2024. The C unit result published on 11 March. Generally RU result published with in 5-7 days of ending exam. RU C, A and unit admission test taken on 05, 06 and 07 March 2024. Selected candidates will fillup subject choice form with in the mentioned timeline depending on unit.
Chittagong University (CU) honors 1st year admission test A unit result has been published on 08 March 2024. The B1 and D1 unit result published on 05 March 2024. The D, B and C unit result on processing and will be announced very soon. The honours 1st year admission test has been started from 02 March and it will be ended on 16 March 2024.
Jahangirnagar University 1st year honors admission test result 2023-24 for "B, E & IBA" unit has been published on 01 March 2024. The "D" unit result already published on 28 February, "C" unit result on 27 February, "C1" unit result on 26 February and "A" unit result on 23 February 2024". Generally JU result published with in two days of ending exam. JU admission test will be ended on 29 February. You can get the result from here.
National University (NU) has published "Masters Regular" admission merit list result on 12 December 2023. Masters regular admission application was ended on 04 December 2023. The release slip processing will be begun after ending of merit list admission.
Government secondary school class-1 to class-9 admission lottery result has been published in 28 November 2023 for Dhaka city and all over the country. The eligible student has been selected by online lottery system. Students can check their application result through the online and can be found in desire school.
National University, Gazipur has published Degree pass and and certificate course 1st year admission result 2nd merit list on 30 October 2023 for the session 2022-2023. First merit list was published on 10 October 2023. Confirm your admission with in 08 November 2023. The release slip list is under preparation to publish later of 2nd merit list.
Intermediate college's HSC admission result 1st merit list has been published on 05 September 2023. The class-XI admission online application just ended in 20 August 2023. Total 13,02,284 students were submitted application. Admission's 2nd phase application and migration application will be held on 12-14 September 2023.
GST 22 public universities cluster admission test result for A unit has been published on 07 June 2023. The C Unit (Business studies) result has been published on 30 May, B unit (Arts & social science unit) on 23 May 2023. The B unit admission test has been taken on 20 May 2023, C unit admission test will be taken on 27 May and A unit on 03 June 2023.
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) Undergraduate preliminary admission test result has been published in 22 May 2023, total 3,000 candidates selected for final test. Final admission test will be held 10 June 2023. The primary admission test has been done on 20 May 2023.
Institute of Business Administration IBA of Dhaka University has publish the BBA program written admission test result on 18 May 2023. Oral test of selected candidates will be taken on 23 May. The admission test was held 05 May 2023. You can see the result here of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) of IBA.
MBBS admission test result will be published on 12 March 2023, success rate 35.34%. MBBS admission test has been held in 10 March. Government and private both medical result published at same time.
National University under-graduate professional courses 2nd merit list will be published on 21 November 2022. The waiting applicants now fillup admission release slip form to complete their admission process. Honours professional courses 1st merit list was published in 01 November and 2nd merit list published in 21 November.
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