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Teletalk Bangladesh Limited, a telecommunication company of Bangladesh owned by the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. The company was established as a public company keeping a specific role in mind with the slogan “Amader Phone”.

Teletalk Bangladesh

Teletalk Bangladesh Limited has network coverage in 64 Districts, 490 Upazilas, and most of the highways.



Teletalk serving people with Voice Call, 4G, 3G, SMS, Voice SMS, GPRS, Push-pull, ISD and EISD, Mobile application through GPRS, DESA Load shedding push-pull service. Teletalk is the first mobile operator who brough 3G service in Bangladesh. They are providing different packages including prepaid, postpaid, internet, 3G, 4G etc.

Teletalk 4G, 3G, Voice Call, Internet Packages and Government Bill Payment Service:




Teletalk Voice Service:

 Prepaid Packages  Postpaid Packages










Internet 3G/4G Data Packages:

Teletalk data package 1

Teletalk Regular Data Packs

Internet Agami Data Packages:

Agami Data Package 

Internat Bornomala Data Packages:

Bornomala Data Package

To subscribe any of all above data packages write "short code" in your message option and send to 111. To know usage data balance write U and send to 111 and to know account balance dial *152#.


Other Services:

Everybody should know that the Government of Bangladesh is using Teletak Mobile Operator to receive various types of fees, bill and charges. Most of the government organization takes recruitment application fee through the teletalk mobile. HSC admission fee, university admission fee and application fee are collected by the teletalk.

Beside it, teletalk providing different services to government, like recruitment management, major public exam result publishing etc.


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