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Recruitment circular has published for the following posts by Secondary and higher education division (SHED) under Ministry of Education. Application's last date is 31 December 2022. Interested candidate's education qualification should have SSC, HSC, Diploma, Graduation or post graduation degree in related field from any reputed university or institute. 



The vacant position name are Cataloger, Steno typist cum computer operator, Office assistant cum computer typist, Officer assistant and Computer operator.

Ministry of Education Job Circular


The online application has been started from 01 December 2022 and eligible candidates will able to submit application till 31 December 2022.

Applicants age up to 30 years by 25/03/2020 are acceptable and 32 years for certaine quota candidates. All applicants have to face MCQ written test and selected candidates will join to viva test.

 Apply here

 Interested candidates can submit application through the below link with appropriate information and then pay the application fee.




 Secondary and Higher Education Division Job Summary

 Circular published (PDF file)
 21 November 2022
 Application starts
 01 December 2022
 Application ends  31 December 2022
 Vacant posts
 Salary (Taka)  27,300/-
 SSC, HSC or Graduations
 Application fee (Taka)  112 - 334/-
 Application type  Online application
 Application's link/ form  Appy here
 Recruitmnt process  MCQ & Viva
 News source
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The details circular is given below under attachments file:


 Download this alormela pdf file SHED Recruitment Circular 2022
 4.20 MB
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